Welcome to Huan Zhang’s website 欢迎来到我的个人网站

I am Huan Zhang, born in April 1994, currently is an associate research fellow in Zhengzhou University, master student’s supervisor. I am the committee member of Causation and Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), the communication committee member of the Machine Learning Committee of CAAI, and a member of CAAI, China Computer Federation (CCF), and Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE). I received my Ph.D. degree in Geoscience Information Engineering from China University of Geosciences (CUG-Wuhan) in June 2023, supervised by Prof. Liangxiao Jiang. Besides, I was a visiting student of Monash University from June 2022 to June 2023, supervised by IEEE Fellow, Prof. Geoff Webb. My research interests mainly include machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition, etc, especially Bayesian network classifier, class-imbalanced learning, crowdsourcing learning, defect detection, situational awareness, etc. In recent years, I have published more than 10 papers in international and domestic journals recommended by CCF such as IEEE TKDE, SCIS, PR, KAIS, etc. I have ever participated in projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Hubei Province major science and technology projects, etc., and have long served as a reviewer and conference programmer for international journals and conference such as IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TCYB, PR, NEUNET, INS, ESWA, KBS, EAAI, AIRE, NEUCOM, IJMLC, NEUCOM, NCAA, AAAI, UAI, PRICAI, etc.

我是张欢,1994年4月生,目前担任郑州大学直聘副研究员,硕士研究生导师,中国人工智能学会机器学习专委会通讯委员、因果与不确定性人工智能专委会委员、中国计算机学会、中国人工智能学会、中国电子学会会员。我于2023年6月获得中国地质大学(武汉)工学博士学位,导师是蒋良孝教授,博士期间曾受国家留学基金委资助赴澳大利亚蒙纳士大学联合培养,导师为IEEE Fellow,Geoff Webb教授。我的研究兴趣主要集中在机器学习、数据挖掘、模式识别等领域,尤其是贝叶斯网络学习、类不平衡学习、众包学习、缺陷检测等。近年来,在IEEE TKDE, SCIS, PR, KAIS等CCF推荐的国际和国内著名期刊发表论文10余篇,参与国家自然科学基金、湖北省揭榜制重大科技项目等,长期担任IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TCYB, PR, NEUNET, INS, ESWA, KBS, EAAI, AIRE, NEUCOM, IJMLC, NEUCOM, NCAA, AAAI, UAI, PRICAI等国际期刊的审稿人和会议的程序委员会委员。

News 最新动态

✌️2024.08- My application about 2024 Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China has been approved, congratulations!

✌️2024.07- My application about 2024 the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation has been approved, congratulations!

✌️2023.11- I have joined the Causality and Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Committee of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence as the committee member! I will try my best to serve the committee in the future!

✌️2023.08- I have joined the Machine Learning Committee of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence as the communication committee member! I will try my best to serve the committee in the future!

✌️2023.08- I have joined in School of Computer and Artificial Intelligence in Zhengzhou University as an associate research fellow, a new start, fighting!

✌️2023.03- Our paper “Rigorous non-disjoint discretization for naive Bayes” is accepted in CCF-B journal Pattern Recognition (IF:8.518)! It’s my first work in Monash University as a visitor Ph.D. student. Congratulations!
我们的工作“Rigorous non-disjoint discretization for naive Bayes”被CCF-B类期刊Pattern Recognition录用(IF:8.518)!这是我以访问学生的身份在蒙纳士大学的第一个工作。祝贺!

✌️2022.10- Congratulations! I got “the National Scholarship for Ph.D. in 2022”! Fighting!

✌️2022.05- Congratulations! We got a paper accepted in the top data mining journal IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE) entitled “Multi-view Attribute Weighted Naive Bayes”! Thanks to all my friends!
祝贺!我们的工作“Multi-view Attribute Weighted Naive Bayes” 被数据挖掘顶刊 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE) (CCF-A, IF:6.977) 录用!谢谢大家!

✌️2022.03- Our paper ‘‘Fine tuning attribute weighted naive Bayes’’ is accepted in Neurocomputing (CCF-C, IF:5.719)! This paper has been updated many versions during more than 2 years. Always believe that efforts will be fruitful!
我们的工作“Fine tuning attribute weighted naive Bayes” 被录取到了 Neurocomputing (CCF-C, IF:5.719)!该论文的工作历经两年多,在这期间迭代了很多次,相信努力就有收获!

✌️2021.10- Our paper ‘‘Collaboratively Weighted Naive Bayes’’ is accepted in Knowledge and Information Systems (CCF-B, IF:2.822), congratulations!
我们的工作“Collaboratively Weighted Naive Bayes” 被录取到了 Knowledge and Information Systems (CCF-B, IF:2.822)!恭喜!

✌️2021.07- Our paper ‘‘CS-ResNet: Cost-Sensitive Residual Convolutional Neural Network for PCB Cosmetic Defect Detection’’ is accepted in Expert Systems With Applications (CCF-C, IF:6.954)! Congratulations!
我们的工作“CS-ResNet: Cost-Sensitive Residual Convolutional Neural Network for PCB Cosmetic Defect Detection” 被录取到了 Expert Systems With Applications (CCF-C, IF:6.954)!恭喜!

✌️2021.05- Our paper ‘‘Attribute Augmented and Weighted Naive Bayes’’ is accepted in SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (CCF-B, IF:3.304)! Congratulations!
我们的工作“Attribute Augmented and Weighted Naive Bayes” 被录取到了 SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (CCF-B, IF:3.304)!恭喜!

✌️2020.09- Our paper ‘‘Attribute and Instance Weighted Naive Bayes’’ is accepted in Pattern Recognition (CCF-B, IF:7.196)! Congratulations!
我们的工作“Attribute and Instance Weighted Naive Bayes” 被录取到了 Pattern Recognition (CCF-B, IF:7.196)!恭喜!

✌️2019.12- Our works “Analysis of Global Warming Trending Using Machine Learning Methods” is awarded with “The First Prize of the 16th China Post-graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling”. The proportion is only 1.1%! Fuzhou, see you soon!

✌️2019.09- Many thanks to all, I got “the National Scholarship for Postgraduates in 2019”! A very high honor!

✌️2019.08- Our paper ‘‘Class-specific Attribute Value Weighting for Naive Bayes’’ is accepted in Information Sciences (CCF-B, IF:5.524)! Remember this day, it must be a good start!
我们的工作“Class-specific Attribute Value Weighting for Naive Bayes” 被录取到了 Information Sciences (CCF-B, IF:5.524)!一定要记得这个日子,这必然是一个好的开始!